Lavender Hill
Preschool & Kindergarten
The essential element in early childhood education is actually the educator, who shapes and influences the children’s environment, not only through furnishings, activities, and rhythms of the day, but most important, through the qualities of her own being and her relationships.
Gratitude is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Kai and the time she has spent with my daughter these past three years. Kai is a truly magical teacher. Her energy is grounded and loving. The sense of calm that envelopes her classroom nurtures each child to unfold in their true essence. Kai is also delightfully playful and meets the children in the realm of wonder where they thrive. For all this, and much more, I am grateful that Kai was my daughter’s first teacher.
~Niki Dewart, Author of Sacred Motherhood: An Inspirational Guide and Journal for Mindfully Mothering Children of All Ages |
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